Thoughtful in Selah

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Making someone - scratch that - a few hundred people happy

Well everyone, here's your update. I guess I'm that bored where I need to type some junk up about who knows what.

By the way, every thinks I'm too critical and cynical, have you guys heard yourself lately? What about "typing up things about the way you feel make you feel better" ? Well it's true. Have you ever tried it? It helps, and it's not like I put anyone's name into the posts. I just do it to blow off steam and to really get someone's attention if need be.

Carrie - Great party and Congratulations again.
SuperK - You know I got the moves, I just wasn't use to playing songs that I didn't know Thanks for the workout.
Sandman - KNEX are what make the egineering entertainment world go round. You must have patience!
Addicted Game Freak - That's a lot of texting
AppleJacks - I was bored today and thought about calling you to see if you wanted to hang out... too bad it was already 8.30
Mama Lilly - I tried to begin editing today... I can't until I have the rest of the pics, the video, and I need help on chronologizing the pictures.
Belle - Good job today, I'm proud of you for coming up with a better plan than me (not to sound egotistical). I'm glad your brain isn't fried from having your first lesson in video editing
BIGnerd - I hope you got my email. I finally remembered to send it today. I know it's more like a novel. Sorry for the delay
Exquisite and Rockfist/AmericanFreak - I'm really really really really going to miss you guys this weekend. I hope you guys have a good time in.............. um... chicago?

I think that's everyone from Remain except for the Hart's


You guys are the coolest youth group leaders I think I have ever met. um.... yeah...


I can't say I'm really that excited about this whole trip. Now on Friday, something amazing is going to happen. But it's the whole camping thing that gets me. Now it's not as bad as I make it seem. I know how to go camping and what to do and all that because my dad is a training trails commander. He knows his stuff. So for me I know plenty on how to survive. ***Weird thought pops into head*** --- LIKE A STILL!!! HAHAHAHA I have to show you guys how you can pee and then drink it!!!
So I will be uncomfortable for a day or so until I get broken in. Lord let me relax and let go and calm down. Maybe I'll just make that my moto.


posted by Brice Helman at 11:36 PM


You forgot me. How can you forget ME? Pee and drink it, I gotta say I've never heard of that before.

Jul 2, 2007, 6:34:00 PM  

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