Thoughtful in Selah

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Blasphemic Compass

I just read an article from TIME about 'The Golden Compass" and about the views of how the movie "'supposedly'" kills God. The book and film were written by non other than of course an atheist. But I find this absolutely ridiculously STUPID! Atheists do not believe that God exists. So how can an atheist kill God? How can you kill anything or anyone that doesn't exist?

In the movie, the friends of the little girl are referred to as daemons...


1. an evil supernatural being [syn: devil]
2. a person who is part mortal and part god

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

dae·mon (dē'mən)
  1. Chiefly British Variant of demon.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

So once again, an atheist is obviously proving supernatural characters. Atheists do not believe in God or any god nor any deity. So by having supernatural demons, excuse me, daemons, it is just proving yourself wrong.

Next point - why would any human being want to be friends with a demon? Do you really want to call the Devil your friend? Do you want to be pals with Satan? The TIME article even says from the author "God is the villain of the piece, Satan the hero. And Lyra's on the side of the devils. As Pullman said to the Sydney Morning Post, "My books are about killing God."" Something should be instantly raised in your mind right here. Now I understand that not everybody is a Christian or even goes to church but there should be something morally wrong if you take interest in teaming with Satan.

In this article, it is also mentioned that some who see this movie do not have the mindset that the main intent is of killing God and so they do not see the spiritual battle behind that picture. But the subtle clues placed by the author should be a major hint at something that isn't right.

I know that we all do wrongs sometimes and we watch indecent movies and television shows but I don't believe anyone should go so far as to watch something so blasphemic and God-hating as 'The Golden Compass'.

Here's the link to the TIME article:,8599,1692926,00.html


posted by Thoughtful in Selah at 10:03 PM


WOW I didn't know that I am so glad that I didn't see that sick sick sick Movie.

Dec 9, 2007, 5:17:00 PM  

interesting thats a surprise i thought it would of been a good movie guess not well maybe we can talk about it when ever we can get together again

Dec 10, 2007, 7:38:00 PM  

I think by killing god, he meant showing the corruption he saw in the church and from some of the christians out there.

...Also, the movie is symbolic. Just because an atheist does not believe in something does not mean he can write a book about it. Have you heard of imagination?

Also, you just said it yourself. In this article, it is also mentioned that some who see this movie do not have the mindset that the main intent is of killing God and so they do not see the spiritual battle behind that picture. But the subtle clues placed by the author should be a major hint at something that isn't right.

They take it as fiction. There's nothing wrong with it.

Also, stop acting like atheists are evil. We're no better, nor worse than christians.

Jan 6, 2008, 3:29:00 AM  

Can't* second paragraph. Damn late nights.

Jan 6, 2008, 9:23:00 PM  

I'm not claiming to be an atheist, however I completely disagree.

I have some points:

Fiction is fiction (I believe we have discussed this before) it isn't real and anyone who takes it as reality is a fool.

Atheists are people too, they can convey their views just as we can, theres a little thing called the constitution that gives them that right.

You cite Time magazine as your source... Thats is a very poor source. It is the most biased liberal magazine I have ever had the displeasure of reading. It only gives you one side of the argument, in short.

Have you seen the movie? Odds are you haven't. So what right have you to pass any judgment at this point?

Speaking of judgment, bloodsoakedroses has a good point. You seem to be the first to judge even though you preach the opposite. Atheists don't believe in anything, yet you question why anyone would be pals with satan. Obviously atheists don't believe in him, so that argument was pointless.

I am short on time so I can perhaps continue this later, just try having an open mind.

Jan 6, 2008, 9:37:00 PM  

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