Thoughtful in Selah

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Spiritual HIGH!

I'll tell you guys what... After fasting for 14 hours and praying and worshiping God, some things in my life have CHANGED! and ever since Saturday, I've been living on a Spiritual (notice capitalization) high. I've been praying that it will not diminish but increase as well.

Today I did something different for a change. Right after I got off of the phone with DA I remembered something that someone once told me.

I'm sure that God sits and heaven and says, "I created them to praise and worship me. Why won't they just talk to me?" Why don't we just take time out and just talk to God?

So that's what I did. I sat there for some time and I just began talking out loud. Sounds crazy I know but I know that God heard me. I've have never experienced such joy before. I really felt that God is my best friend. But best is not good enough. There's no way to describe it really. The bond between God and I is better than best friends.

So anyway, as I was just talking and hanging out with God, I was thinking about something that I could change just to show a change in my closeness with Him. I thought about my blog. The other day I looked at the blog description and I noticed that I had never ever changed it. So I completely re-did my header. So now the title reads "Thoughtful in Selah" and the description is Psalm 126:2. There is a reason...

I noticed after reading a little from Psalms that every once in a while the word "Selah" comes up at the end of a stanza. So I went onto a bible dictionary site and looked up the meaning. The actual definition is unknown but many believe it means some sort of pause or silence. I also found the verse Psalm 126:2 which talks about laughter and joy. I used this word and this verse as my header because it is basically what I just did. As I was speaking with God I said to Him that a conversation is two way. And I wanted Him to respond in some way to me (whether a vision, dream, sign, miracle, etc. (He's God - He can do it!)) So I was thinking about a bunch of things and just talking to Him when I just now made a connection: I was the only one audibly speaking and when I wasn't, there was silence - Selah. So I wasn't speaking when I was thinking so I was thinking [thoughtful] in silence [Selah]. So while I was speaking I was very joyful that I served someone that was so beautiful and awesome that I could just talk to Him like I was talking to anyone else. And it made me laugh -- I was actually smiling the whole time!

So when I talk to God it makes me very joyful and laugh. And when I'm not speaking but I am thoughtful there is Selah.

I hope now you understand the new meaning behind my new header. This basically all I wanted to post about. Also too, to everyone who went to TheCall - I figured out the "Life" song -- you know, the song that we sang when we wore the Life bands. I have the sheet music printed and we are doing it on Thursday at REMAIN. See you guys then.

Let me know what you guys think about my new title. I was going to change the URL address to my blog but that is kind of a hassle to tell everybody because I know that there are several people who read this.

P.S. Afterthought - I was thinking about creating yet another blog fully devoted to Christian living and messages from God, but I don't believe I'm to the point where that is necessary. I'm just going to say that from now on all my posts will be more fervent towards the Lord.

P.S.S. Afterpost construction - I totally redid my blog for those of you who cannot tell because they use RSS and ATOM feeders. I advise you to check it out. Be sure to look at the bottom of the page to check out what the footer says!


posted by Thoughtful in Selah at 11:46 PM


that is really cool

Jul 11, 2007, 4:56:00 PM  

that is really sweet I've always wanted to know what the word selah ment every time I would read psalms.


Jul 19, 2007, 9:28:00 PM  

cool title.. I was wondering what Selah mean't. I heard it at "The Call" I think there was a band or a singer that had that name... not quite sure though..

Aug 2, 2007, 9:30:00 AM  

You make god sound like a whiny teenager. ALL ABOUT ME!

Jan 8, 2008, 11:19:00 PM  

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