Thoughtful in Selah

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Time has told

...instead of time will tell... you know?

Anywho, time has told how outdated my blog is. I know it's been awhile and I must say that peer pressure is ridiculously outrageous. Seriously, I think some of you guys are about to resort to threats just so I'll post. Goodness gracious.

I'm hoping this post won't be too long because I have a boat-load of junk to do but there will be lots of stuff posted.

First off - I am now street legal... and I don't mean that I am selling under-the-table items like drugs. Sorry... I do mean that today I was granted my license. I passed maneuverability PERFECTLY! Although on the driving portion... I was docked twenty points.
3 counts of "Improper vehicle position to make a left turn"
1 count of "Improper approach to a right turn.

I found out just this moment that -26 points is failure. So I was 6 points away. Hmmm...

So after I took the test I went to the BMV to get my actual license. I forgot my soc. card the first time but that was a quick run home. Got the license and went to visit Trent Nationwide. THE NASTY INSURANCE MAN!!!!
Come to find out - because my brother has a 2006 Ford Mustang, it is driving my monthly payment up to $66 because we are all on the same policy.

I share the same policy with everyone
I am insured to drive the mustang

We share the same policy
The mustang drives the premiums up by about 400 a half (6 months)
I pay $66 per month rather than $25


Next up - I found this really awesome thing on eBay. I bought it too. It's a geeky thing so I'll talk about it on my other blog. Good news is that it has everything imaginable including restore programs for every single version of windows even vista.

next - I now have the Fire Bible thanks to my grandparents. I really really really really like it.

Finally - I went to the fair today! My first fair ever! Here's proof:

This calf is one week old today.

I also, for the first time, watched a demo derby and I laughed a lot. I didn't know destruction was so much fun. Let me rephrase that. I didn't think that damaging vehicles could be so entertaining.
we got in the stand about an hour before it started so there's not a whole lot of people in this pic.

Sorry but I do not have any pics of action. I will say that it was kind of cool when the cars were
pushed too hard and the engines burst into flames.

I think that's about it.

Until next month... I mean until tomorrow -


posted by Thoughtful in Selah at 10:01 PM


cool pics I wash shocked to find out that this years fair was your first all I can say is WOW!

oh yeah its about time you updated. just kidding I love to give you a hard time as you can tell.ha. ha. ha.

Aug 19, 2007, 2:13:00 PM  

cute little calf! You touched nature!!

Aug 21, 2007, 1:49:00 PM  


Aug 29, 2007, 3:03:00 PM  


Aug 31, 2007, 4:27:00 PM  

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